Manchester accountants see men save more

Published on February 22, 2013 by Crawfords Accounting

Manchester accountants face a gender divide that contradicts the national picture, with men saving more than women on average.

Figures from Halifax show the average Mancunian man has savings of £5,103, compared with a slightly lower sum of £5,019 for women in the city.

Overall, the average Manchester saver has £5,021 in their account – a figure much closer to the female average than the male.

However, this is not true on a nationwide basis, with women typically saving much more.

For England and Wales as a whole, the average woman’s savings account contains £8,211, while the average man has £7,699.

This ranks Manchester as the local authority district with the third-lowest average savings balance overall; the north-west as a whole performs much closer to the national average, with £7,696 in the typical savings account.

Whatever your net worth, our Manchester accountants can help you to protect your income by minimising expenditure on areas like property tax.

This can help you to boost your real-terms savings, if not by adding to your available cash, then by maximising your capital growth in any property that you own.

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